Planton GmbH
Important events in the company history of PLANTON GmbH.
Foundation of PLANTON GmbH by four internationally renowned scientists of the Christian-Albrechts-University (CAU) Kiel and the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH)
June 2001
Start of operations in own laboratories on the University Campus of CAU Kiel
November 2001
Dr. Michael Kleine becomes managing partner of PLANTON GmbH
June 2002
2nd winner in the Science4Life business plan competition, an initiative of the Hessian state government and Aventis
August 2003
Relocation of the company to the Wik industrial park in the north of Kiel
Sine 2004
PLANTON becomes a service laboratory for molecular biological and biochemical analyses
September 2004
Winner of the Founder Cup 2004 of the K.E.R.N. Region in Schleswig-Holstein
September 2004
Accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025
September 2006
Winner of the BioChancePlus 3 competition of the BMBF
September 2007
Increase of Capital stock of PLANTON GmbH
First clinical trial with new drug candidate (recombinant human ß-defensin 2, rHBD-2)
Expansion of the accredited range of services to include pesticides and microbiology
PLANTON becomes the drinking water testing centre of the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein in accordance with the Drinking Water Decree
Foundation of NingTong Bioanalytics in Nanjing, China
Appointment of Dr. Kleine as associate professor at CAU Kiel, appointment as visiting professor at the Jiangsu Agricultural Academy of Sciences (JAAS) in Nanjing, China
Extension of the accredited range of services to include healthcare and veterinary medicine
September 2018
Ceremonial inauguration of the new biotechnology laboratory in Nanjing, China, by Prime Minister Daniel Günther
Granting of the European patent for in ovo sex determination in poultry
ALDI uses PLANTON technology to avoid killing of one day-old chicks
Acquisition of a property in the new industrial area at the airport of Kiel
Laying of the foundation stone for the new PLANTON laboratory center
Move into new, ultra-modern laboratory building
Opening of the PLANTON laboratory center with MP Daniel Günther